Friday, March 1, 2013

What's a Girl to Do?

I have pondered the prospect of creating a blog for some time. Questions would pop into my head ... Do you really have time to do that? Will anyone follow your blog? Does it really matter if anyone follows my blog? Can I keep it somewhat current? (emphasis on somewhat)

At the ripe "young" age of 64, I have wondered if this is a crazy idea. But as I read other blogs, I realize that women in 2013 have so many different forms of communication and knowledge that I didn't have years ago. Currently I am serving as chairperson of women ministries at Countryside Covenant Church and know that many rely on information found on the web. They also express themselves through blogspots, Pinterest, twitter, facebook and other forms of social networking. I'm amazed at the dedication so many of them give to their blogs and their families ... probably not in that order but they truly amaze me. They invite us into their homes, show us how to cook creatively, share their DIY projects, challenge us to be more godly and become our "friends" because we either relate to them or they touch a place in our hearts through their chosen words or their sweet family pictures.

So I'm hoping that this is like riding a horse - it gets easier and easier the more you do it! 

Since March has 31 days in it and the Book of Proverbs has 31 chapters, I've challenged myself to read one chapter of Proverbs each day. Proverbs covers a wide range of topics, including discipline, family life, self-control and resisting temptation, business matters, knowing God, marriage, seeking the truth, wealth and poverty, and, of course, wisdom. It's my desire that as I follow their advice I will walk closely to God. Knowing God is the key to wisdom. And as I listen to the thoughts and lessons from the world's wisest man, I believe I will apply these truths to my life. Yes, I'll read them but then I must act on them!

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." - Proverbs 1:7

We all know someone that we would categorize as a "know-it-all." A person who has a strong opinion about everything, resents discipline and refuses to learn. That would be the fool spoken of in verse 7 as listed above. I sure don't want that tag around my neck. I want to be open to advice from others, especially those who know me well and can give valuable insight and counsel. Never ever do I want to quit learning. And I must remember that only God knows it all.